The Tea Party is NOT winning

Photo by losinghandThis morning EJ Dionne makes the case that the Tea Party narrative on taxes and the government is now the national narrative. In the wake of significant levels of unemployment, rising levels of wealth inequality, and anxiety, the most important...

Black Visual Politics-This too is Detroit

Day 178 2010 365, originally uploaded by LesterSpence. Part of a series. I don’t normally buy into the notion that we’ve got to counter “negative” images with “positive” ones, largely because both are part and parcel of a move that smoothes over critical aspects of...

My Lethal Weapon's My Mind–Ideas as weapons

Photo by Matthew WilkinsonIn referencing Obama’s budget, I noted that he agreed fundamentally with the GOP on the need for cuts…this is because both Obama and the GOP embrace the fundamental thirty years “new” idea of how the economy works. The most important goal is...