Top Politics Stories of the last decade

Tell Me More had me on last week to talk about the top political stories of the decade. It went…ok. I wished I could’ve gotten another crack at some of the questions. Michele asked us which loss hit us hardest. As I’m thinking about it now, I realize that I lost two...

Mission Statement for 2010

This is what my mission statement looked like for 2009: What do I want to get accomplished for 2009? I want to have two book contracts.—I got one book contract. I want to have three paid speaking engagements.—I got one speaking engagement, but I signed up with a...

Whats next?

This week I turned my manuscript into the publisher. Knock on wood what I have left now are the details. Line by line editing. Index generation. Fact checking. That type of thing. Which means that for the first time in several years I have to sit down and figure out...