by kspence | Jan 28, 2013 | Neoliberalism
I'm back in the classroom for the first time in a minute (I had the fall semester off). In an attempt to save trees I'm placing the syllabus here. First up? Blade Runner. Imag(in)ing Cities
by kspence | Jan 26, 2013 | Black Leadership, Black Politics, Campaigns and Elections, Obama |
On Friday's Barbershop I weighed in on the "controversy" over President Obama using Lincoln's Bible and Martin Luther King jr's Bible during his swearing in ceremony[foot]Listen here.[/foot]. I noted that King was dead, and if we want to make claims about racial...
by kspence | Jan 9, 2013 | Announcements |
Hanes Walton jr. passed away recently. Over the course of a 45 year career he published over 80 articles, 25 book chapters, and 25 books and edited volumes, served on 12 review boards, and received over 25 awards and grants. He was the first scholar to take Martin...
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