by kspence | Jul 9, 2012 | The Future of the City, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
I usually time my trip back to Detroit to coincide with my fraternity's boat ride. But there are a couple of conferences that occurred at the same time. The first is the Allied Media Conference, sponsored every year by Allied Media Projects. Dozens of sessions...
by kspence | Jul 6, 2012 | Black Popular Culture, Hip-hop, Obama, Sex and Sexuality
A few weeks ago, the Baltimore Sun profiled local gay MCs in the wake of Obama's shift on same-sex marriage. They asked me how long would it be before a gay MCs record became a hit. I told them that we were about five years out from a gay MC hitting the charts with a...
by kspence | Jul 2, 2012 | Neoliberalism |
A year ago yesterday, the New York Times ran a story on the new entreneurial class committed to rebuilding and recreating Detroit: These days the word “movement” is often heard to describe the influx of socially aware hipsters and artists now roaming the streets of...
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