Is Blackness History?

I was asked by a colleague to give a talk to Hopkins' Black Faculty-Staff Association this month. I wasn't able to because of time constraints, but I told her that if I did give a talk, it'd probably be titled "Why I Hate Black History Month". Actually, the title I...

Tools For Group Work

This semester members of my urban policy class are tasked to create a group project. Below I present a set of resources that should help them with their goal. But as the resources are not class specific please feel free to share them with others. Perhaps the first...

College Education Should Be a Right (CNN.COM)

I was recently asked to begin blogging on CNN's website. My first post appeared this week. In it I argued that college education should be an entitlement rather than a privilege open to those with the ability to pay for it. This isn't my idea–I wish it was! I borrowed...