by admin | Oct 16, 2009 | Neoliberalism, Obama, Racial Politics, things that make you go hmm |
When Obama got elected a couple of researchers conducted an experiment to see if Obama’s election would have any tangible effect on the racial achievement gap. The logic was there…there’s this thing called “stereotype threat” that causes members of social groups to...
by admin | Oct 6, 2009 | Neoliberalism |
[vimeo][/vimeo] Not exactly….but close enough. How is this replicated and reproduced within black politics? That’s the question the second part of my trilogy will answer. Expect it about 2011/2012. When the world (according to the Mayan...
by admin | Oct 2, 2009 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Education, Neoliberalism, Obama |
Over the summer the White House cut their funding to HBCUs $85 million. While they argued in response that they’ve indirectly increased aid to HBCUs alumni and concerned citizens are up in arms. Earlier today I had a discussion with a friend who detailed to me a...
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