by admin | Aug 5, 2007 | Gender and Politics, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
And gets bits right. But because they’re interested in dealing with intra-racial dynamics rather than inter-racial ones (which is odd given the subject) they miss the forest for the trees. They also put the tired bit in about successful black men “getting blondes.”...
by admin | Aug 3, 2007 | Afrofuturism, Urban Politics |
Traffic coming off I35 Bridge, looking South Originally uploaded by Mordac whose website can be found here. The recent problems in Minnesota, New York City, and according to Craig Nulan, Montreal, and Saint Louis, all reveal the growing problems in managing our...
by admin | Aug 3, 2007 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Gender and Politics, Urban Politics
I knew this was coming. Because we’ve been seeing this same pattern among black men. And what happens to us eventually trickles up, for good or ill. Note the last couple of paragraphs. Several experts also said that rising income for women might affect marriage rates...
by admin | Aug 2, 2007 | Afrofuturism |
I’ve started a new photoblog over at Vox. My man George reminded me about the following video. [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]
by admin | Aug 2, 2007 | Afrofuturism, Urban Politics |
No joke. What jumps out to me was the fact that Henry Ford (and I’m assuming they mean the hospital) buys most of their stuff from local gardeners. I know that most urban folk have gotten out of the habit of growing their own food–and sometimes it’s hard for me to...
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