When does 1+1=3?

So there’s at least one obvious place where 1+1=3….or perhaps in T3’s case, more than 3.But I’m not talking about that.If I’ve got one skill…and come into contact with someone with another skill, how many do we have in total? We’ve got the two skills…but then we’ve...

Spence on Internet Radio tonight

Hey. My wife hosts a show on talkshoe.com called Chocolate Chats. She’s been doing the thing for a minute now, and has decided to interview me…which means that for about a half hour or so our kids will likely have the run of the house. If you’ve got some time give a...

New York…just like I pictured it

Ok. It’s been a bit. And I’ve been meaning to post this here. As some of you remember I went to NYC a few weeks ago for business. Only the second time I’ve been to NYC as an adult, and the first time I’ve really been able to get a feel for the city. On a sojourn from...