by admin | Aug 21, 2006 | Black Family, Gender and Politics |
Some years ago I read a piece in Rolling Stone on Thailand, on its burgeoning (sex) tourist industry. There was one quote that stood out to me: “Thailand is the last place on Earth where you can be a White Man.” If that’s true, then Brazil is the last place on Earth...
by admin | Aug 20, 2006 | Black Leadership, Black Power, Hip-hop, Pop Culture, things that make you go hmm
It looks like homeboy Ken Blackwell is going to go down in defeat. The type of defeat you can’t politically bounce back from. I thought this would be a good time to bring an old draft out. One of the biggest critiques levied against Cousin Jeff was that he wasn’t...
by admin | Aug 19, 2006 | Black Power, Campaigns and Elections, Hip-hop, Pop Culture, things that make you go hmm |
So through the hhpc’s yahoo email list I found out that “Cousin Jeff” of BET fame is working on the campaign of Ken Blackwell. Folks were putting him on blast because they think he’s sold out, but more importantly because he makes the hip-hop movement look weak. Dumi...
by admin | Aug 16, 2006 | NPR, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
I briefly blogged at until I told my homeboy that although he was a Republican (and made the strongest argument I’d heard in favor of blacks joining the GOP) I didn’t roll like that. In my most recent NPR piece I talk about some of the recent...
by admin | Aug 13, 2006 | Black Family, Urban Politics |
Woke up this morning, putzing around on the desktop. “There was a car crash this morning.” What? “A car crashed into a motorcycle. The rider hit the windshield and was thrown across the street!” Damn. My daughter heard it–it woke her up. I must’ve been in a fog...
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