by admin | Aug 30, 2006 | Black Power, Neoliberalism, NPR, The Mass Media, Urban Politics |
Just saw that my recent commentary on Katrina is out. Give a listen and let me know what you think. In fact, check out my first commentary on Katrina as well…written at last year’s meeting of the American Political Science Association.
by admin | Aug 30, 2006 | Announcements |
I’m leaving later this evening to go to the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. I’m presenting a paper entitled “The Not So Minimal Consequences of Watching Rap Videos.” I’ve been keeping it under wraps because I wanted to wait to see how it...
by admin | Aug 27, 2006 | Afrofuturism, Black Leadership, Black Power, Neoliberalism |
What if you brought together over 100 of the world’s most innovative thinkers at one roundtable…and then asked them (simultaneously) to answer 100 questions culled from thousands submitted from all over the world? What if the responses were videotaped and available...
by admin | Aug 23, 2006 | NPR, Pop Culture, Racial Politics, The Mass Media |
Oliver Stone’s recent movie on the World Trade Center has come under criticism because of casting issues. You can hear my spin on it. A number of us have fallen victim to the fakelore of white supremacy. This is one case where it is pretty clear to me that black...
by admin | Aug 21, 2006 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, Urban Politics |
Story here. The details haven’t come out yet. I’m suspecting it’s going to be tied to seniority. But let’s say for the sake of discussion that each worker is going to get offered something like 60 grand to walk. My dad just retired from Ford. He told me once about an...
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