by admin | Jul 17, 2006 | Black People Mythology, Crime and Punishment |
Over at blackprof, Prof. Shavar Jeffries makes the provacative argument that perhaps black-on-black crime should be prosecuted as hate crime. To the extent that black criminals hate their racial identity, they may actually be committing crimes against other black...
by admin | Jul 15, 2006 | Education |
I got a chance to read Brothers Gonna Work it Out by Charise Cheney over the past week while chilling in the northern tip of Michigan’s lower peninsula. It’s about that period between say 1987 and 1992 or so when hip-hop’s political potential was at its greatest. Or...
by admin | Jul 13, 2006 | things that make you go hmm |
I said that I’d start putting my own research here. One of my specialties is black political ideology. How has support for black nationalism changed over time? How might we measure it? I wrote a paper differentiating support for Pan-Africanism from support for black...
by admin | Jul 11, 2006 | Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Neoliberalism, Public Health, Public Policy, things that make you go hmm
A journal article published in the JAMA found that even though Americans spend double the resources on health care, they are still sicker than their British counterparts. Even after you take race and class into account. White executives in America are sicker than...
by admin | Jul 10, 2006 | Black Power, Campaigns and Elections |
Michael Steele is getting all of the press, but in Michigan (where I’m spending summer vacation with the family), the name to remember is Keith Butler. Running for Senate on the GOP ticket, Butler’s already got some history in local government–he was on the Detroit...
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